Tighter and far shorter than allowed by Naval Regulations, it showed off her legs in their gleaming black stockings. She wished she had a pair of higher heels than these. Could she risk sending a sailor down to her quarters to fetch something? No, she remembered in time, all her sexiest things were in her wardrobe back on dry land. All she had in her cabin were a few changes of underwear. She simply couldn't send a sailor to fetch those. If the captain wasn't yet pee-ing herself, the crew could take heart, no matter how extreme the danger. In fact, the crew was hugely encouraged to see that their captain was sufficiently relaxed about the situation to touch herself intimately through the front of her skirt, a sight which made their hearts swell, to say nothing of their nipples. There was not a soul on the bridge who would not have gone down on the captain at this moment."Signal, Captain." A small voice at her elbow, and a message flimsy was thrust into her hand. "From the admiral,. Marco released his cock from his jeans and Binky let out a small gasp. “Sit down,’’ Marco ordered. Sitting down on the bales of hay in the corner of the stables, she pressed her knees together, her hands resting on the hay by her sides, a look of expectancy dominating her features. Marco moved forward and pushed his cock against Binky’s lips before moving it up and down, stroking it gently across her cheeks before moving it so it was a couple of inches away from her lips. “I want you to spit on it,” he ordered. Binky's spit soaked the tip of Marco’s tanned, Italian cock. The colour illuminated the whiteness of her spittle foam, before drips started to slip off the end of Marcos cock, landing on her jodhpurs. “Now wank me,’’ he ordered. Binky momentarily paused as she thought this through ,exactly like she had years ago. Marco grabbed hold of her hand and placed it on his cock. Binky moved her hand up and down his cock before Marco took charge as if he was teaching her exactly.
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